Be inspired and supported as you learn to engage with earth, air, fire and water, filling with their energy and cultivating your connections. You will learn to move and shift your energy with ease and grace.
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Learn a simple, potent practice for shifting your energy.
Replace self-doubt, overthinking, and isolation with vitality and joy.
Learn how with the Elements Meditation, a free, five-minute, and life-changing energy practice.
With so much going on to knock you sideways and dampen your energy, how do you keep going? How do you find equanimity and grace? How can you keep your heart open?
You have more and more demands on your life: whether it’s living through your teen’s angst, aging parents, work demands, or the violence and divisiveness around the world—on and on. If you are like most of us you feel barraged from all directions.
This is when you need embedded ways of shifting—embedded so you can draw on them effortlessly, memorized so your body will do them almost automatically, practiced enough that you know they work.
I write and teach this all the time. Why?
It’s the most challenging times in my life that have taught me the importance of having practices I can draw on when I am too tired to think, when I have too much on my plate, when everyone wants something from me right away. Now is one of those times.
This old adage is true. Humans revert to what they know. So when a person has rejected their childhood religion—but never replaced it with some other form of spirituality—they are likely to revert to the old ways on their deathbed.
Likewise, you return to your old habits under stress. Whether your habit is worry or self-blame, overthinking or feeling not enough, stress and crisis will bring up your old, familiar responses. Right?
The good news is: you can change this. You can learn to change your energy, which then shifts your attitude and response.
I experienced this—once again—just the other day. I got an enthusiastic email from a potential workshop sponsor. It was a great gift, and a great opportunity.
Instead of feeling happy, I focused on a detail—a fee that was not what I wanted, not quite enough—and got all stressed. I knew this was a crazy response, because I really wanted to work with this woman.
A few years ago I would have been stuck there.
This time I wanted to free my energy. I drew on one of the many practices I've developed and embedded to change my energy. I went outside, grounded, breathed, and did five minutes of Yoga to re-center and reconnect. Five minutes, and my whole attitude shifted.
Everything felt fine, because it really wasn’t about the money. Shifting my energy helped me come back to my intent for giving my workshop: the experience, the community, and sharing my passions in a new place.
In a conversation the other day, I explained with great passion how repetition of an energy-shifting practice takes you deeper into your inner authority. This means, I said, that the practice—something like Energy Alchemy, a hard workout, your breath practice, meditation, or Qi Gong—helps you expand, connect beyond your small self, and even experience some ego dissolution.
As you repeat a practice that helps you shift, your body remembers.
Your spirit and heart remember that they feel better when you do it.
This fuels a trajectory: your response to your life, your circumstances, and the demands on you become radically different than if you don’t do the practice.
Your experience, and your perception change. And then in a crisis you can access the tool that works, just like I did.
The questions really are: what’s the cost of being stuck your whole life? Do you want to evolve into who you were meant to be? And where will you find the guidance you need, the support to keep going, and the courage to move towards your true self, the courage to become?
If you’d like to discuss how to expand your energy, we’d love to talk to you. Schedule a free 30-minute strategy session.
Meg Beeler—Author, Shamanic Guide,and Spiritual Mentor— helps clients heal soul and spirit, find luminous presence, and move energy to remove blockages through mentoring, training, healing, and ceremony. She is a lifelong explorer of shamanic, animist, and meditative consciousness who practices Earth-centered, nature-based, ancient wisdom ways, and studied Andean mysticism extensively with the Q’ero in Peru. Meg is the creator of Energy AlchemyTM, founder of Earth Caretakers Wisdom School, and author ofWeave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life: Aligning with Cosmic Energy. Meg lives on Sonoma Mountain in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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Shift from density in your life—problems, worry, sadness—into the beauty of connection with all that is. Discover shamanism. Talk to Meg!