Draw on source energy to embody your divine, radiant self
Learn to create coherent energy fields that raise your consciousness
Shed self-imposed limits and perceptions to cultivate open-heartedness
During this deeply transformative and heart-opening workshop with Meg, you’ll:
Build your inner courage, presence, and flow for greater resilience
Participate in shamanic ceremonies, rituals, and practices to grow reciprocity and lead with heart
Draw on source energy and essence to embody your divine, radiant self
Learn to create coherent energy fields that raise your consciousness and help change the planetary vibration
Shed self-imposed limits and perceptions to cultivate open heartedness
Explore your inner light and how to use it to build connections as the ancient Incas did
Build a deep relationship with the elements and integrate their healing powers for clearing, connecting, and opening to the whole
Discover your spiritual creation story to help you imagine your luminous future
Experience what heart coherence is, and how to nurture it together
Call on powerful allies to help you develop fluidity in weathering change, initiation, and crisis with grace and ease
Learn how your heart is a bridge to a sustainable planet, thriving humans, and creating a life of joy
As Einstein said, We cannot solve a problem with the same ideas and methods that created it
In these challenging times, when so many of us yearn to serve the planet and heal our future, becoming luminous, loving, open-hearted beings…shining the divine light we were born with…and finding our way back to our innate heart’s wisdom are essential ways to cultivate our resilience, harmony, and courage to serve.
Leading with heart means coming into your heart before you act. It means seeing from your heart as you make decisions. It means beginning your interactions from your heart, not your mind.
When you are in your heart, you can't be angry or judgmental. When you are in your heart, it's easer to soothe yourself and others. When you are in your heart, you can feel your grief for the world—your sadness about extinctions, tipping points reached daily, and the tumultuous times we're in—and hold all in love.
This workshop offers you an essential medicine bag of tools—meditations, guided visualizations, writing, and shamanic ceremony—that will empower you to lead with your heart. These practices, refined over 20 years by Meg Beeler, longtime shamanic guide and healer, are the culmination of a life of inquiry into how indigenous wisdom, shamanic practice, and mysticism can help us shift our consciousness and be love.
We are so used to being in our heads—our thoughts, judgments, opinions, fixations, worries, and so on—that living from your heart center can be challenging. Seeing from your heart's perspective, and listening to it, require conscious attention, intent, and practice, especially when you are feeling anxious. Once you shift into your heart, you come into a resting state, calm your nervous system, and can relax into effortless being.
When you move your energetic focus in this way, your love, radiance, and compassion grow. Learning and being true to what your heart wants takes you into the deep well of your sovereignty. Noticing the physical effects of opening helps you expand into bigger love, a wider view, easy reciprocity. Living from your heart is the foundation for cultivating your inner light and being peace.
Join Meg as she guides you with a medicine bag of tools—meditations, guided visualizations, writing, and shamanic ceremony—to empower you to lead with your heart.
Understanding how your heart is at the center of your resiliency, relationships, joy, and future…and how human and cosmic support is all around you…will inspire you to shift your consciousness, be a way-shower, and help create the world anew.
Shamanism is about seeing with heart…living with heart…and seeing into the heart of the world. In the Andes, this feeling of seeing with heart is called munay: it’s unconditional, eternal, unreasoned love. It’s an attitude of respect, appreciation, and reciprocity with everyone and everything: we are all connected. This munay, our open-heartedness, gives us unshakeable inner peace, courage, and access to our light within.
Our hearts are the place where we are love, peace, understanding, compassion, courage, kindness, radiance and all the qualities that we desire to be and see in this world. By allowing our innate heart wisdom to emerge and guide us… by keeping heart and relationship with spirit at the center… we can dream a new dream of regeneration, harmony, and coherence.
Meg will guide you with the ancient wisdom of three traditions—‑shamanism, meditation, and energy management—to cultivate the radiance of your heart. You’ll build your resilience, courage, and harmony, activate your power to imagine a different future, and be empowered to lead with your heart.
The course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Meg, along with partnering with other students for your support. You’ll build a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need for placing your heart at the center of your decisions, relationships, joy, and our shared future.
In this first module, Meg will introduce you to the principles of energetic open-heartedness: being clear, aligned, open; having the mindfulness and skill to release dense thoughts; and understanding quantum reality inside and outside. You’ll learn five essential steps to enhance your resilience and flow. Tools for calming, connecting, releasing, and expanding beyond your ego will become part of your repertoire. You’ll learn the importance of creating sacred space and working with the elements as you cultivate your resilience.
You cannot lead with your heart if you are shut down or struggling to survive emotionally. Resilience includes learning to let go of and discard whatever weighs you down. By energetically releasing what is no longer of interest, merit or value, you create openings, spaciousness, and reciprocity in your life.
During this first module you’ll:
Practice heart focus and coherence to find your calm center
Participate in shamanic ceremony to create sacred space, build a relationship with the elements, and integrate their healing powers for shifting your energy
Learn how to shed self-imposed limits and perceptions to cultivate open heartedness
Feed your connections to your roots, your wellspring, and the light energy of the cosmos with ceremony and practice
Enjoy the amazing, ever-present support of the spirit world
In the second module, Meg will guide you through potent portals to cultivate your courage. You’ll learn to feed your joy body, not your pain body. You’ll experience both ancient and modern ways of energetically shifting mood, behavior, thought patterns and habits for greater presence and resilience. Tools for being mindful, stepping into silence, and using the power of breath will become part of your contemplative repertoire. To cultivate your inner power and alignment you’ll learn to balance your three sacred centers.
The eye of a hurricane is a still place in the midst of chaos, an apt metaphor for what we humans are experiencing with the climate crisis and our future. Instead of being buffeted by the winds, you’ll discover how to step into the eye to find calm, resilience, and open-hearted fortitude. In that state you’ll amplify your ability to draw support as you lead with heart.
During this second module you’ll:
Sow seeds of mindfulness to be more present moment to moment in your life
Discover how the alignment of your three centers—love, power, and vision—enhance your capacity to live in joy-filled, heart-centered presence, partnership, and tenderness
Experience how connection to the world around you nurtures and builds your courage, presence, and inner power
Explore breath and silence as portals into your heart
Rewrite the story you live by and alter the behavior chain as you release what blocks your awakening—preconceived notions, thoughts, habits, emotions, old stories—and heart opening
Becoming a heart-guided person is the focus of this module. You will discover how to see, hear, and live with your whole being and essence rather than just your mind, essential to making change in the world. Exploring your luminous energy field and heart light, you will amplify and build confidence in your radiance.
Shamanism is about seeing with heart…and seeing into the heart of the world. In the Andes, this feeling of seeing with heart is called munay: it’s unconditional, eternal, unreasoned love that understands we are all connected. Your munay and open-heartedness offer you unshakeable inner peace, courage, and light within.
In the third module you’ll:
Explore your luminous energy field, essence, and inner light to become your radiant self
Seed a circle of love to support a consciousness shift in yourself and the collective
Cultivate the wisdom of your heart center—munay—as you experience your mystical connection to stars, universe, and Oneness
Practice incorporating your spiritual light, radiance, and joy in daily life
Explore the shift from mindset to heartset as you build your skill in living from heart
Experience the power of connecting your heart to your loved ones, Indra’s Jewel Net, Earth, and the universe
Integrate high-frequency sami energy—light energy and qi that flow in the universe—into your being and awareness
Discover how your descendants live and heal so you can incorporate their wisdom in your life.
Transform your personal energy into cosmic energy so the energy of your heart extends through the entire river of being
Recharge and reconnect with your sacred role in the unfolding of life
In this module, Meg will guide you through a process to imagine a different future and address the ways culture and habit impede your dreaming. You’ll experience a portal-opening exercise to discovering your spiritual creation story. You will witness yourself being spiritually dismembered so a newly formed you can emerge. You will explore the future by visiting your descendants to see how they heal and learn from them.
The stories you are taught, as well as the ones you tell yourself, can hold you back, trip you up, and sabotage your efforts to change. Whether you have difficulty with imagination or are brilliant at it, this module will give you insight and tools to keep dreaming the world anew.
In the fifth module you’ll:
Activate your imagination and dreaming abilities to seed the life you are called to lead
Learn your spiritual creation story and use it to empower your path in this life
Experience spiritual dismemberment and receive the spirit gift of a newly created you
Become part of the new human story and explore your infinite potential as you create a map of the numinous future you envision for the world.
In this module you will be introduced to the possibilities for light and vibrational healing of humans, grids, and dimensions. You will explore how to step out of drama and un-alignedness and onto the paths of being, light, and compassion. You will learn about the energy in all beings. You will experience the effects of being energetically clear and safe: resonance, peace, harmony, and inner authority.
When you are in the flow with all-embracing love, then sensations of oneness, openness, trust, receptivity, and remembering arise. When you are your brightness, when every breath includes awareness of inter-being and connection, you can ride the waves and currents of the river of life with as much grace and ease as possible.
In the sixth module you’ll:
Attune yourself to subtle energies coursing through your body, your luminous energy field, and the world around you to expand your awareness and connections
Explore vibrational practices and grids for cleansing and filling with exactly what your body needs
Experience qi energy that flows throughout the universe to discover what is always available to you for healing
Discover how physical and non-physical energies are the same
Learn to move light through your body for calm and rest
The focus of this module is building coherent energy fields together. You’ll learn how shared heart coherence opens possibilities for harmony, trust, and the fortitude to promote collaboration, empathy, equity, and love in all our relationships. You’ll explore how to build coherence into your world using your growing open-heartedness, radiance, courage, and imagination. You’ll experience the profound shifts of consciousness that accompany shared heart coherence.
Coherent fields open a space for what’s called the “third thing”—wisdom that arises from and goes beyond what individual group members can offer. This wisdom holds great possibility to address social, spiritual, and ecological crises. For those committed to personal, social, and cultural transformation, working in coherence is a conscious alternative to the dominant competitive, hierarchical, ego-driven, extreme individualism on the planet. Coherence facilitates a shift from “me” to “we” in relational intelligence and supports our mutual desire for heart-guided decisions.
In this seventh module you’ll:
Sow seeds of transformation and awakening in yourself, your community, and our planet
Experience the belonging and cohesiveness that arise in coherent groups, creating shared purpose and greater ease in moving beyond conflict
Learn how shared coherence opens possibilities for harmony, courage, trust, and the fortitude to promote collaboration, cooperation, equity, and love in all our relationships.
Nurture your skill to facilitate genuine change in all you do
Feel empowered to love yourself and the world as your do your sacred work
Cultivate Your Heart, Your Vision, and Your Sacred Power with Meg
Finding the Gold Within PDF
Meditating with the Earth and the Cosmos—Chapter 8 from Meg’s book, Living in the Heart of the Universe PDF
The Four Elements Meditation PDF
Guided Visualization To Connect, Cleanse, And Fill With The Elements audio
Join Meg to learn about bringing heart-seeing into your daily life. The tools she'll share will help you transform density, separation, and tension into respect and gratittude. She'll invite you to go on a guided drum journey to meet the spirit of your heart. You can ask this spirit anything—advice on some issue that holds you back, guidance on signing up for the course, the next steps to take in your healing journey.
Meg Beeler is a Shamanic Guide, Mentor, and Author. Drawing on her lifelong passion for soul healing, heart opening, and reweaving the connections between all beings, she helps clients heal energy, soul, and spirit. Meg is author of Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life: Aligning with Cosmic Energy. She is founder of Earth Caretakers Wisdom School, creator of Energy Alchemy™ and a channel for compassionate ancient wisdom.
Meg is a lifelong explorer of shamanic, animist, and meditative consciousness who practices Earth-centered, nature-based, Andean mysticism. She brings a lifetime of teaching and experience in land-based community ceremony to her work.
Meg is a joy to work with. She synthesizes information in a way that is accessible and fun. With her support, I was able to shift many limiting beliefs and access my true radiance. She is a grounded practitioner who cares deeply for the Earth and the Cosmos.
Claudia Comerci starsinjars.com
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