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In my meditation, I am standing between the blood moon in eclipse, the earth’s shadow, and the sun. My body fills with their special energy—light containing the dark, dark reflecting the light—and I focus on bringing my body and spirit into alignment with the light.
I feel the light pass through my physical body in a line that moves between moon and sun, sun and moon. I get really excited about the actual, physical eclipse and moonrise coming soon.
A few hours later I am sitting quietly. Tears start dripping down my cheeks. I realize that I am overwhelmed with grief.
Suffering in my community and our world is rampant: Communities burn, millions of creatures go extinct, and icebergs melt while governments and corporations ignore climate change. Homeless camps abound. Refugees in the millions are traumatized over and over, live in squalor, and have nowhere to go. Our adult kids move back home with their fragmented lives.
Our collective grief builds up and weighs on us. We may pretend its not there, try to get on with our lives, and shut down. Or we can try to open our hearts with compassion.
Noticing and allowing feelings is a guaranteed way of heart opening. So I do a little writing to get it all out. Then I begin the Earth-Cosmos Meditation, one I’ve referred to often. I use it to ground myself and reconnect with places I love—the mountains around San Francisco Bay, and sacred lakes and mountains in Peru. This brings my heart back into fullness and connection.
As I feed the filaments—the web of human light at the full moon, the despacho ceremonies offered by my Q'ero teachers, humans around the world reveling in the beauty of the eclipse—I re-member my connections, my spiritual work, my open heart. And I feel healed. I have moved from grief, sadness, self-pity and exhaustion. I have returned to my essence. I have transformed.
Like all tales, this one is cautionary: you too can shed your grief. You too can imagine yourself between blood moon, earth’s shadow, and sun, experiencing the light in your body. You too can shift, reconnect, and transform. May it be so!
Meg Beeler, Shamanic Guide, expertly weaves her Energy Alchemy™ and Shamanic Meditation to help seekers find joyful connection, soul healing, and luminous presence. Meg is the founder of Earth Caretakers, and author of Living in the Heart of the Universe: Expanding Your Relationship with Earth and the Cosmos.
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